

Upon completion of several years spent in the promotion and implementation of research and applications in the fields of documentation, conservation and protection of tangible and intangible cultural heritage within international initiatives, WATCH, CULTECH and FOCUH (Friends of Cultural Heritage) join their efforts again to gather in the same fora, institutions, international organisations, public and private experts, scholars and independent researchers, professional associations, civil society organisations, NGOs, and other stakeholders, hosting the Eighth International Conference on Science and Technology in Archaeology and Conservation (STAC 8) in Amman (Jordan) from 21 through 25 May 2017.

The overall conference programme will last five full days characterised by a multiplicity of activities dedicated and often directly involving all participants.

The conference will be articulated in plenary sessions and several parallel sessions that will take place during two and half days.

Plenary sessions will address and open interdisciplinary debate on the following key issues identified:

  1. UNITE4Heritage. A call to the international community for a comprehensive effort to protect Cultural Diversity under Attack: Protecting Heritage for Peace

  2. Climate changes, global warming, natural and anthropogenic disasters. Current experiences in progressive civil military cooperation for the protection of cultural heritage before and during catastrophic circumstances.

  3. Most advanced applications of science and technology in cultural heritage

  4. Theory of Cultural Heritage Restoration and Catastophy. 3D reconstruction as opposed to ruins and conservation … to what extent should it go? A phylosophy to negotiate between sciences, culture and economics of cultural heritage when almost nothing is left after the major events.