Payment with Bank Swift

Your registration will be completed after the paiment of the conference fee through a bank swift to the following bank account details:

Bank account in the name of: 

WATCH – Via F.Dall’Ongaro 62, 00152   ROMA – Italy

Bank name:

Bank address:
Salita S.Nicola da Tolentino 1/B
00187  ROMA – Italy

IBAN: IT33E0301503200000003433667

Bank Identifier Codes (BIC):

Receiving bank (Swift) : UNCRITMM

Beneficiary’s Bank: FEBIITM1

May your Bank Swift order contain space for just one code to identify the receiving bank please use only the code: UNCRITMM.

Eventually the sender (your) bank requires a code made of eleven (11) digits to identify the receiving bank please use the code: UNCRITMMXXX.